Book with me for a specialist mid-life health check or menopause consultation online or face to face, knowing I’ll listen, I’ll hear you, I’ll see you.
We’ll have the time we need together to look at your symptoms. We’ll look at your lifestyle and can personalise an HRT regime to suit you. We can discuss how non-hormonal treatments and lifestyle adjustments could support your symptoms.
I’ll signpost you to useful information & stay in touch afterwards too.

Garden Studio, home of Rethink Menopause
Appointments, what you need to know
Online consultations and health checks
If you book a menopause consultation online we will speak via a secure video link through Semble. The system is very easy to use, you do not need to download any special software and will be sent a link for the call when you book.
The appointment process

You will receive a confirmation email on booking with links to some forms to complete ahead of the appointment. If you do not receive this email please check your spam folder and contact me via [email protected].
A secure pre-appointment questionnaire will be emailed to you at the time of booking for you to complete prior to our appointment. This asks about your medical history, medication and allergies, aswell as your family history. It means I am in the picture about your health when we meet. It includes a request for an up to date blood pressure measurement. If you don’t have a blood pressure machine at home you can usually go along to a local pharmacy for a check.
If you have been using a menopause symptom tracker you can upload it to your Rethink record. They can be really helpful for some women but there is no obligation to complete one.
Your appointment can be used for whatever is most helpful for you. To understand what is happening, to ask questions about treatment options, to explore lifestyle, to agree on a personalised approach to support your wellbeing with HRT and/or non-hormonal treatments.
Following a consultation
I will write to both you and your GP within a week of the consultation, usually within 24 hours. This will be sent by secure email, with your permission, and will outline our discussion and any treatment plans we have agreed on. It is important for your GP to have a complete record of any medical care and medication you are receiving.
I will email you after a month, to check in. If you need to email me before that please do so, I will reply within 1 week.
The follow-up appointment is a chance to review how things are going, and make any adjustments to fine tune our approach. We can review the results of any tests or monitoring you have undertaken. Many women will choose to then follow-up with their GP or practice nurse for an annual follow-up, returning to Rethink for a specialist review if things change. You are of course very welcome to return to Rethink for all of your reviews.
Referrals to Rethink Menopause
You can self refer to this clinic, a GP referral letter is not required. If you have any relevant letters about your medical history, or test results you can upload them to your Rethink record. NHS results can be accessed via the NHS app, you can ask your GP admin team to enable the detailed view for you to see your own test results.
Private health insurance
As menopause is a natural process and not an illness or disease, menopause care is not usually covered by private health insurance. I am happy to provide an invoice for you to try and reclaim the costs of the consultation through your health insurance.
Reasonable adjustments
If an interpreter or any other reasonable adjustments would be helpful for your appointment, please get in touch at the time of booking by emailing [email protected].
British Menopause Society Accredited Specialist
The Rethink Menopause BMS clinic listing can be viewed here.
You can find out more about Dr Sam Morgan here.