Menopause Research

Women have often been under-represented in health research studies. On this page I will post details about current research projects relating to menopause care that are recruiting people who identify as women.

To read more about why research is important and what it may involve please visit NIHR.

Menopause Research Studies currently open to recruitment

Diet, Cardiometabolic Risk (CM) and Menopause Symptoms more info

Evaluation of Lifestyle Modification on Cardiovascular Risk more info

What is the most effective hormone treatment for women with premature ovarian insufficiency (POI), in both the short and long-term? more info

Menopause GAP more info

An exploration of the Mental Health impact among Menopausal women: The MARIE study. more info

Getting Under the Skin of the Menopausal Hot Flush more info

Let’s talk about menopause. Black women in menopause more info

Polyphenols and Probiotics to Improve Menopausal Symptoms Via the Gut-Brain Axis more info