Women are unique
Our menopause experiences are different
At Rethink it’s always personal

Bristol Menopause Specialist Doctor appointments and wellwoman mid-life health checks, available both face to face in Bristol and online via video

Book with me knowing I’ll listen, I’ll hear you, I’ll see you
Join me to Rethink Menopause

About Menopause Specialist Dr Sam Morgan

  • Menopause Specialist Doctor Accredited by the British Menopause Society (BMS) and the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare (FSRH)
  • British Menopause Society Trainer
  • Menopause speaker for events and workplace training
  • 20 years experience as a GP partner in Bristol, Women’s Health lead
  • Lifestyle Medicine interest
  • Yoga Teacher offering Yoga for Menopause in Bristol
  • Founder of Rethink Menopause Bristol

Bristol Menopause Dr Sam Morgan of Rethink Menopause, British Menopause Society accredited Menopause Specialist

Recent Blog posts

  • The genitourinary syndrome of the menopause, what you need to know
    What is it? The genitourinary syndrome of the menopause is common, and often not discussed, but once recognised there are lots of options for helping symptoms including local oestrogen, vulval care, moisturisers and lubricants. Oestrogen lubricates the vulvovaginal tissues and helps the vaginal microbiome. It also improves bladder function and reduces urinary infections. Oestrogen and… Read more: The genitourinary syndrome of the menopause, what you need to know
  • Movement at menopause
    I’ve always loved to move, and I’m so thankful I love it. I know how hard it is to build it in regularly if you don’t feel the same, and if it’s tied up with what you should do to look a certain way or control things about your body. I exercise because when I… Read more: Movement at menopause
  • HRT
    With all the different types of HRT available, how do I pick what may suit someone best? HRT for everyone? So full disclosure. I’m a big fan of HRT, I’ve seen it transform lives. People have repeatedly told me how it’s helped them feel like them again, how it’s saved their marriage, their job, even… Read more: HRT